Regex Cheat Sheet

Syntax      Description
* 0 or more times
+ 1 or more times
? 1 or 0 times
{m} exactly m times
{m,} m or more times
{m,n} m to n times (both inclusive)
\n new line
[…] range or character class (e.g. [a-z0-9] all lowercases and digits)
[^…] not in range or negated character class (e.g. [^0-9a-z] everything but 0-9 and lower case characters)
. Any character except newline
\w Word character [a-zA-Z0-9_]
\W Non-word character [^a-zA-Z0-9_]
\d Digit character [0-9]
\D Non-digit character [^0-9]
\s Whitespace character [\n\r\f\t]
\S Non-whitespace character [^\n\r\f\t]
^ The start of the line of text
$ The end of the line of text. (e.g. [1]$ match an all-digit-and-dash string)
\b Word boundary
\B Not-word-boundary
i Case-insensitive matching m ^ and $ match next to embedded \n
(…) Group subpattern and capture submatch into \1, \2, ..
\n Contains the result of nth earlier submatch from a parentheses capture group, or a named capture group

  1. 0-9- ↩︎
