Notes for C++ (1)

Files and Classes

Header files are used like interfaces in Java:


#pragma once
// include guard
// to stop circular imports of headers from looping non-stop

namespace test123 {
	class Square {
            Square(); // constructor with no param; default constructor
            Square(double length); // custom constructor
            // Square(const Square &s);  //a copy constructor
            // will use default copy constructor here
            double getArea(); // member method
            // double getArea() const; 
            // const means it is not going to change the instance
            double length_;

When constructor is not written, c++ will automatically run the default constructor, which takes no parameter, allocates the spaces (for variables) but not initializing any standard typed variables.

CPP files

cpp (C++) files are for detailed implementations and codes.


#include "Square.h"
// "" means search the current directory
// <> means search the system (e.g. standard library), as well as directory

namespace test123 {
    	// :: scope resolution operator
        // if 'namespace test123' is not written 
        // then it should be test123::Square::Square()
        //					namespace->class->method
    	length_ = 1.0;
    Square::Square(double length) {
    	length_ = length;
    double Square::getArea() {
    	return length_ * length_;


#include "Square.h"
// importing the interface

using test123::Square;
// shortcut test123::Square to global

#include <iostream>
// importing standard lib for io

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
// shortcut cout and endline into global
// endl is a string for ending a line, depending on the system (\n or \r\n)

int main() {
    Square s1(2); // init with param (length:2)
    Square s2; // init with no param
    cout << "Area of square 1: " << s1.getArea() << endl;
    cout << "Area of square 2: " << s2.getArea() << endl;
    return 0; // return 0 for successful run and exit

Other note:

Struct vs Class: They are mostly the same in C++, except that by default, struct is all public and class is all private.


// Shape.h
class Shape {
        Shape(double length);
        double getLength() const;
        double length_;

// header file

#pragma once
#include "Shape.h"

class Square : public Shape { //inheritance
        double getArea() const;


  • Public members of the base class get copied into the derived.
  • Private members of the base class remains in base. (not accessible by derived class directly)


The idea that a single interface may take multiple types, or a single symbol may be different types.
  • Interface that takes different parameters
  • Derivative class instances in Base variable ( Shape shape = new Square(1);)

Keyword virtual

virtual Shape::print1(){
// virtual means: if the real instance is a derivative class instance
// and if that derivative class implemented print1()
// then use derivative class's print1 function
    cout << "Shape" << endl;

//if in .h file
virtual Shape::print2() = 0; // this is a pure virtual function
// Base class with any pure virtual function is a abstract base class
// Abstract base class must have derivative class to have instances
  • If performance is really really important, avoid using keyword virtual
  • Destructors always need to be virtual, so they can destruct the real class and release memory


Pointers and references

Square s1; // instance of a Square object
// it allocates space for the object

Square cp = s1; // make a new instance which is a copy of s1
// copy constructure

Square &r1 = s1; // reference to a Square instance
// when creating a reference, it must be initialized
// r1 and s1 are the same variable. They point to the same memory

Square *p1; // pointer to a Square object
p1 = & s1; // p1 is now pointing to address of s1

Indirect operators:

&variable; // address of the variable
*pointer; // dereference - get the data from the pointer address
v->getArea(); // same as (*v).getArea()  - dereference, then get member
