Data Structure (8) - Graph



G = (V, E), where V is a set of vertices, and E is a set of edges.

For some reason unknown, people usually use n for the number of vertices, and m for the number of edges. |V|=n, |E|=m

An edge can not point to nowhere. It's always with 2 vertices.

Vocabulary for a graph
  • Complete Graph: A graph where all vertices are connected to each other.
  • Connected Graph: A graph where all vertices are connected, not necessarily to each other.
  • Acyclic Graph: A graph that has no cycles.

Incident Edges

I(v) = { {x,v} in E}

It's all the edges connected to the particular vertex.


D(v) = |I(v)|

The number of edges one vertex has.

Adjacent Vertices

A(v) = {x: {x, v} in E}


Path(G1) = Sequence of vertices connected by edges.


Cycle(G2) = Path with that goes in circle (with common begin and end vertex).

Simple Graph

A graph that has no self-loop or multi-edges.

It's not simple at all


G' = {V', E'} where V' belongs to V, and E' belongs to E and

if edge (u,v) belongs to E', then both u and v belongs to V'.

  • Complete subgraph: A subgraph that is a complete graph
  • Connected subgraph: All vertices in the subgraph are connected.
  • Acyclic subgraph: A subgraph that has no cycle.
  • Spanning Tree: A subgraph of graph G that contains all vertices of G with no cycle.
Spanning Tree

Observations / Calculations

In a graph with n vertices and m edges:

Minimum Edges:

  • In a not-connected graph — 0
  • In a connected graph — n-1

Maximum Edges:

  • In a simple graph — n* (n-1) / 2
  • In a not-simple graph — Infinity

Sum of degree(v) for all v in V = 2*m — or 2*|E|

Acyclic graph with n vertices has (n-1) edges.

Complete graph with n vertices has n* (n-1) / 2 edges.

Graph ADT


  • Vertices
  • Edges
  • Some data structure maintaining structure between vertices and edges


  • insertVertex(K key) — key as label of vertex
  • insertEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, K key) — key as label of edge
  • removeVertex(K key) or removeVertex(Vertex v)
  • removeEdge(K key) or removeEdge(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)
  • incidentEdges(Vertex v)
  • areAdjacent(Vertex v1, Vertex v2)

-- to be continued
